Process technology students volunteer to build playground

The process technology student council from San Jacinto College’s Central Campus recently volunteered their time helping to build a Kaboom playground at Atkinson Elementary School.

“I found out about the event via the school’s Facebook page and brought it to our p-tech student council,” said Jeff Pearce, coordinator for education and workforce at the LydondellBasell Center for Petrochemical, Energy, and Technology. “They quickly organized over 20 people to volunteer.  They spent their day off working for their community and giving back. It was so inspiring to see.”

The students donated their time to spread mulch, assemble equipment, mix and pour concrete, landscaping and so much more.

“The day of the build, there were San Jac hard hats, shirts, and students all over the job site,” said Pearce. “I’m proud to be a part of an organization that pushes to make a difference in their communities.”

San Jacinto College Foundation launches Gala with a Twist

The San Jacinto College Foundation has invited the community to participate in its 2020 Gala with a Twist, announcing the fundraising campaign at the College’s January board of trustees meeting.

For this year’s campaign, 100 percent of proceeds will benefit San Jac students with immediate needs. Donations will offset costs such as tuition, books, food, clothing, transportation, and child care for students who have found themselves in unexpected circumstances and need urgent assistance.

“We’re thrilled to take a new, virtual approach to our gala this year,” said Ruth Keenan, the foundation’s executive director. “It’s a new decade, and we’re excited to mix things up a bit. Launching this engaging, online fundraiser in lieu of our traditional dinner event allows us to significantly reduce costs and focus on what matters most—helping our students succeed.”

The foundation serves more than 30,000 students each year and has awarded more than 12,000 scholarships over the past decade to help San Jac students reach their educational goals.

Community members wishing to contribute to this year’s Gala with a Twist fundraiser can learn more about the campaign and can donate at or by phone at 281-998-6104.

CPET, Maritime Campus welcome Japan delegates

San Jacinto College welcomed visitors from Pasadena’s sister city, Hadano, Japan, in early January.

Twelve delegates from Hadano—city hall staff, board of education members, teachers, and students—visited the Pasadena area Jan. 6-11.

During their stay, the delegates toured the College’s LyondellBasell Center for Petrochemical, Energy, & Technology (CPET), exploring custom industrial labs. They also visited the Maritime Technology and Training Center, where they practiced steering vessels in simulated bridge rooms.

“We had both (San Jac) facilities recommended for the visit due to the programs offered. Our guests were very impressed with both visits,” said Gayle Holder Carter, president of the Pasadena Sister City Association.

In addition, the Hadano delegates toured and made presentations at local K-12 schools, the San Jacinto Monument, NASA Johnson Space Center, Japanese-owned company Kuraray, and other places. Most stayed in private homes to experience family life in a Houston suburb and enjoyed local culinary experiences.

Sister cities for 55 years, Pasadena and Hadano alternate visits annually through the Pasadena-Hadano Sister City Association.